What a busy first couple of weeks we have had at nursery! The children have settled in wonderfully and have been getting to know the nursery rules and routines. They have been forming some lovely relationships with their key workers and the other children. They have had lots of fun exploring the different areas of our nursery.
Inside, we have been busy making collages using lots of different materials such as feathers, pom poms and colourful paper. On the carpet we have enjoyed using the technology such as the computer and the whiteboard. We have played different games and used the whiteboard to create pictures. Outside, we have enjoyed playing in the construction area. Lots of us have explored the outdoor physical equipment including the climbing frame, obstacle course and swings. In our group times we have been playing lots of ring games to help us get to know each other. We have also started learning about simple 2D shapes and colours. What a fabulous start to nursery!