Remote Education Statement
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
Remote Learning Offer
Home Learning – June 2021
Activities for home learning; these activities follow on from activities that were happening last week in nursery.
Nursery Activities
Early Learner Activities
Key Worker Activities – June 2021
Keyworker activities for Nursery groups – green, yellow, blue and white groups June 2021.
The following have been devised by key workers for their groups, obviously if your child wishes to try activities from different groups then there is no reason not to.
- Green group keyworker activities
- Yellow group keyworker activities
- White group keyworker activities
- Blue group keyworker activities
Keyworker activities for Early Learner children – Miss Taylor, Miss Huntington, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Read June 2021. The following have been devised by key workers; your child can try activities from any member of staff. Have fun!!
- Early Learners Miss Taylor
- Early Learners Miss Huntington
- Early Learners Mrs Richardson
- Early Learners Mrs Read
Remote Learning – March 2021
Story Time Activities 1
Storytime Activities 2
Story Time Activities
Story Time Activities
Story Time Activities
Story Time Activities
Story Time Activities
Story Time Activities
Keyworker Activities (March)
Keyworker activities for green, yellow, blue and white groups March 2021
The following have been devised by key workers for their groups, obviously if your child wishes to try activities from different groups then there is no reason not to.
Have fun.
- Home Learning – Keyworker Green
- Home Learning – Keyworker Yellow
- Home Learning – Keyworker Blue
- Home Learning – Keyworker White
Activity Sheet
Remote Learning – February 2021
Singing Time 1 Activities
Singing Time 2 Activities
Singing Time 3 Activities
Singing Time 4 Activities
Singing Time 5 Activities
Singing Time 6 Activities
Singing Time 7 Activities
Singing Time 8 Activities
Singing Time 9 Activities
Singing Time 10 Activities
Story Time 18 Activities (February)
Story Time 19 Activities
Story Time 20 Activities
Story Time 21 Activities
Story Time 22 Activities
Remote Learning – January 2021
Story Time 1 Activities
Story Time 2 Activities
Story Time 3 Activities
Story Time 4 Activities
Story Time 5 Activities
Story Time 6 Activities
Story Time 7 Activities
Story Time 8 Activities
Story Time 9 Activities
The following story time activities are mathematical or language based:
Story Time 10 Activities
Story Time 11 Activities
Story Time 12 Activities
Story Time 13 Activities
Story Time 14 Activities
Story Time 15 Activities
Story Time 16 Activities
Story Time 17 Activities
Support & Advice for Parents
Helpful documents for Parents and Carers.
Home Learning Ideas
We wanted to share some ideas for learning at home. These are just suggestions, please don’t feel that they need to be completed, remember there’s learning in everything that we do!
- Helping around the home – dusting, polishing, hoovering, washing up etc together
- Cooking together
- Dance, move, exercise and be active
- Writing for a purpose
- Going on a bug hunt
- Gardening and looking for signs of spring
- Puppet shows
- Taking Pictures
- Pretend Picnics and Tea Parties
- Read books and Tell Stories
- Draw and Paint
- Water play
- Make models out of recycling
- Build Dens
- Make a Snack shop
- Wear Pyjamas and watch favourite programmes and movies
- Use your tablet to find out something new
- Listening activities
- Collecting nature treasure from the garden
- Water painting outdoors
- Chalking on the path….and washing it off with buckets of water or better still the hosepipe!
- Make you own mud kitchen
Activity Ideas
Nursery Numeracy
- I-spy
- Number cars
- Number flowers
- Number quantity
- Numeracy targets and recording
- Passenger Counting
- patterns
- Skittles Sorting
Nursery Letters & Sounds
- Alliteration hunt
- Alliteration silly names
- Alphabet hunt
- Joining in sounds in stories
- Listening Walk
- Our sound box
- Rhyme game
- Rhyming basket
Early Learner’s Numeracy
- Building Blocks
- Counting hops, skips and jumps
- Counting with dice and pom poms
- Homemade Bowling Alley
- Magnetic Fish
- Shapes
- Sticks and stones
Early Learner’s Letters & Sounds
General Home Learning Activities
- A-Z hand Printing
- Bingo
- Colour Song
- Dye Flowers
- Edible Necklaces
- Feed the Birds
- Home learning (Story Box)
- Nursery Rhymes
- Playdough and Saltdough Recipe
- Playdough Recipe
- Puffy Paint Recipe
- Rhyme Time
- Silly Soup
- Snow Dough
- Snow Paint Ideas
- How to make fruit kebabs
- Treasure Hunt
- Observational painting
- Lego and block building activity and music
- Ladybird Spots (Lily has lost her spots)
- Kim’s game (memory skills and communication game)
- How to make fantastic flubber
- How to grow Cress Heads
- Bird feeder
- Carrot Tops
- Currant bun recipe
- Movement Songs
- Music and movement
- Shaker
- Shut the box
Key Worker Activities (November)
Keyworker activities for green, yellow, blue and white groups November 2020
The following have been devised by key workers for their groups, obviously if your child wishes to try activities from different groups then there is no reason not to.
Have fun.
- Home Learning – Keyworker Green
- Home Learning – Keyworker Yellow
- Home Learning – Keyworker Blue
- Home Learning – Keyworker White
Number Activities
Number activities for green, yellow, blue and white groups December 2020. The following number activities have been devised for all nursery children to access.
Physical Development
- Online yoga for children free 2 weeks at
- Dance and movement songs for in the home –
- Hokey cokey
- The farmers in his den
- Ring a ring a roses
- If you’re happy and you know it
- Bike/scooter ride or a walk.
- Make dens – using old sheets/blankets and pegs
- Encourage children to have a go at dressing and undressing themselves each day, to help develop the dexterity in their fingers to do this everyday
- Make an obstacle course /exercise route – paper/cards with instructions on eg hop 5 times, 5 star jumps, 10 stretches, bounce a ball 10 times etc
- Large paper on floor, with ‘upbeat music’ on encourage children to lie on tummy and make marks/patterns on paper to music – ask your children about ‘Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle’ and they should be able to tell you what we do.
- Make playdough – Playdough Recipe
- Encourage children to use scissors (with supervision) to cut/snip old Christmas/Birthday cards, catalogues, comics, cereal boxes, paper etc
Communication and Language
- Spend time playing alongside your child commentating on what they are doing and modelling clear language
- Play alongside your child in role play. Support them by developing a play scenario and encouraging them to play along with you.
- Play a hide and reveal Kim’s game – hide a number of different toys under a tea towel, ask your child to close their eyes and remove an object, uncover the remainder of items and ask them to name what has gone.
- Describe a hidden object and ask your child to guess what it is. Encourage them to ask questions to help work out the hidden object.
- Object bag – with household/common objects in eg – ball, spoon, sponge, potato, carrot etc ask the children to put hand in bag and describe it for you to guess eg ‘its round, its soft, its bumpy’ etc without saying what the object is
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Play turn taking games to support your child with sharing. Do not always let them win as this build’s resilience
- Help your child to develop understanding about empathy through talking about feelings at home.
- Share books with your child, repeat favourites and encourage children to retell these to you
- Encourage mark making on
- large paper/old cardboard boxes cut open and placed onto the floor
- notepads and paper
- old birthday/Christmas cards
Mathematical Development
- Encourage your child to help you to set the table
- Involve them in finding the matching sock when sorting the washing
- Sing number songs together
- 5 little ducks went swimming one day
- 5 little speckled frogs
- There were 5 in the bed
- 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive
- Play games – snakes and ladders, hopscotch
- Develop your child’s understanding around the language of capacity through using empty containers to explore full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty.
- Create a role-play shop at home using toys. Help your child to decide upon prices for each toy and pretend to go shopping taking turns at being the shopkeeper.
- Play a guessing game – select a number of items and guess which is heavier. Talk to your child about the language heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than. Make comparisons between different items e.g. a grape is lighter than an orange, a plate is heavier than a fork…
- Count in everyday activities – eg going up and down the stairs, counting pieces of fruit in the fruit bowl, counting plates, cups on the table (making sure there is one for each person at the table)
- Bake and make snacks/cakes/biscuits with children, counting out spoonful’s of flour etc, use measuring scales to look at numbers
Understanding the World
- Talk with your child about their family and make a book about them – draw pictures or cut out old photographs to create an album together
- Talk to your child about different people who help us – doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, paramedics.
- Take a family walk together (weather permitting). Look at the new spring buds and talk about the changes in the environment e.g. daffodils blooming, more birds to be heard as they have returned for the Spring and Summer etc.
- Bake or cook with your child e.g. make a jelly, crispy cakes, make a healthy pizza. Encourage your child to help select healthy toppings to prepare for the pizza e.g. wash and chop peppers etc
- Plant seeds – cress seeds on damp cotton wool/paper towels in a small plant pot or empty eggshells…. water and watch it grow!
Expressive Arts and Design
- Support your child in using scissors to make snips in paper (cut up old magazines or catalogues)
- Create your own musical instruments using junk materials e.g. empty bottles with a few stones inside for a shaker. Decorate these with recycled paper and packaging.
- Use your instruments to play along to a simple song e.g. Old McDonald
- Listen to music and have a dance around together
- Make models using any available construction materials e.g. Lego, Duplo, cardboard boxes. Encourage your child to draw a picture of the model. Create a plan together of what to make and draw a picture of this.
- Dress up in role play/fancy dress costumes and ‘pretend’ to be characters together.
- Make collage pictures together – give your children scraps of paper, sweet papers, lolly sticks, buttons, feathers, tissue paper etc to cut up and glue onto paper or cardboard
Early Years Websites
View a list of Online Resources for Early Years Early Years Online Resources
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